Digital thinking is the critical success factor for the successful transformation of industrial companies.
The digital transformation does not stop at any industry and is increasingly affecting industrial companies as well. It is not just a question of introducing digital technologies in production and administration, but increasingly also of changing business models and revenue channels.
The foundation for these changes is the digital mindset.

of the core competencies of the jobs will change by 2025.
(WEF, 2020)
of employees believe that their qualifications are outdated.
(Degreed, 2021)
The first phase of digitization is already in full swing at many industrial companies: The increased use of digital technologies in production and administration clearly demonstrates this. But this phase is just the beginning. Digital transformation is about more than just transferring existing processes to the digital world. In the future, it will be about the continuous development of business models (in the digital world) to ensure the future viability of companies. This speed of development will continue to increase and, due to the resulting changes in industrial companies, it will no longer be sufficient to focus on technical skills, the so-called hard skills, when developing employees. Developing a foundation, i.e. a digital mindset, is the basic prerequisite for dealing with this rapid change.
We support industrial companies in analyzing and developing a digital mindset.